Location:Course > Course Format

The total class time is 40 hours. In addition to class sessions, students are required to attend a least 2.5-hour discussion session for every week, which is 10 hours in total.

The total academic time for each course is 50 hours (3000 minutes), which recorded as 4 SJTU credit units.

Academic Integrity

All students are expected to complete their homework, exams and other forms of assessment independently. Plagiarizing and cheating are firmly prohibited.

Attendance Policy

Classroom management of SJTU LEC ISS programs shall be implemented with reference to the Shanghai Jiao Tong University Study Guide 2023. Students who are absent from more than 1/3 the total class hours will be disqualified from the exam. The score of the course will be zero.

Course Evaluation

Students will be assessed according to the Shanghai Jiao Tong University Study Guide 2023. For details, please refer to the grading system below.

Letter grades of A, B, C, D, F and W are used. Grade points are assigned as follows:

Number grade Letter grade GPA
90-100 A 4.0
85-89 A- 3.7
80-84 B+ 3.3
75-79 B 3.0
70-74 B- 2.7
67-69 C+ 2.3
65-66 C 2.0
62-64 C- 1.7
60-61 D 1.0
≤59 F (Failure) 0

Other grade symbols:

W (Withdrawal): assigned to the students who officially withdraw from a course.

W is not calculated in grade point average.

